Post-Jam Update

At last, our first post-jam update is out and ready to play! This is a minor update (might as well call it v1.0.1) that fixes some unfortunate issues that cropped up during initial development, along with a couple small tweaks.

Fixed Bugs

  • Dead ants could still be targeted by units.
  • Dead ants could be killed multiple times, rewarding XP for each death and breaking the game's economy.
  • Speed boost and health boost upgrades applied exponentially.
  • You could resume your run after winning the game, which would confusingly bring you back to the same save file you already won in.


  • The "Retry Wave" button has been replaced with "Retry Level." Though perhaps more punishing, this prevents situations where you quite literally cannot do anything different from the start of the next wave onwards because you have too little XP.
  • Renamed the game executable to "Dear Ants, I HATE YOU!!" -- we forgot to press the shift key on "I HATE YOU!!" the first time.

We hope to return at some point in the future with a 1.1.0 update that contains some more large-scale changes, but for now, this should make the game more adequately playable than it was upon release.


Dear Ants, I HATE YOU!!.zip 78 MB
Aug 26, 2024

Get Dear Ants, I HATE YOU!!


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Nice! I definitely found things a bit more challenging this time around. The only change I'd like to see if you guys continue working on this is to add descriptions to the weapons and upgrades in the store just so that it's a bit clearer what they actually do, maybe when you hover the mouse over them or something. Otherwise great stuff!


Great feedback, thank you! We’re hoping to improve the workshop UI as a whole so that would definitely help things out. Appreciate you trying it out again with the fixed gameplay :)